Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Grocery store free essay sample

The two meals that I have chosen are breakfast and dinner. We will discuss breakfast first. This morning I had two fried eggs with salt and pepper, a piece of toast with blackberry jam, and a diet coke. The origins of the Kroger brand eggs and the Kroger brand black pepper were from Cincinnati, OH, the Morton’s kosher salt is from Chicago, IL, the Nature’s Own bread was from Thomasville, GA, the Kauffman’s blackberry jam was from Montezuma, GA, and the Diet Coke was from Atlanta, GA. For dinner I made Purdue chicken breast with salt and pepper, Kroger brand name frozen green beans and roasted potatoes. The origins of the Purdue chicken came from Salisbury, MD, the Kroger brand name greens beans were from Cincinnati, OH. The potatoes I’m not sure were they came from because I normally just by two or three individuals potatoes. But I would like to assume since Kroger name brand products seem to come from Cincinnati, OH I would like to say the potatoes were distributed from Ohio but more than likely grown in Idaho. If you haven’t notice already, all these items for breakfast and dinner were purchased from Kroger except the blackberry jam that I bought Yoder’s Marketplace in the Amish country in Montezuma, GA Trying to find out how these different companies take the product from the farm to the table was a little difficult but I was able to get some information on the process. According to the How Products Are Made, the process of chicken farming for slaughter is fairly the same a crossed the nation. When the chicken is at its peak of growth, the chickens are sent to the slaughterhouse where the byproducts processing occur. The carcasses are then in the process of the meat being removed. It then goes to the meat product wholesale stage. It is then refrigerated in warehouses and then sent to the grocery store. When it came to the eggs, farmers or automates gathering belts collect the eggs from the nest. The eggs are then washed, which sanitizes the eggs and remove the â€Å"bloom†, a coating the hens’ body applies when she lays the egg. The eggs are then sent through a candling process that inspects the interior for cracks and quality. This is when the eggs receive their grade. The grades are classified as AA, A, or B. The eggs are then sorted and packaged according to size. The eggs are then shipped and within approximately three days they reach the store. When comes to vegetable they seem to be processed all the same way. The vegetables then are harvested by machinery operated by farmers in the field. Each type of vegetable is harvested by different machinery. Most of the time after they are harvest they go through a washing process and stored properly. When it comes to frozen vegetables they go through a flash freezer that freezes them in a matter of minutes and then are packaged and sent to the store. Coca-Cola in Atlanta, GA manufactures diet coke. The process in which they go about it is hard to find. But like most manufacturing companies, they start by mixing all the ingredients together, package and ship. One of the benefits of a global market would be more specialization. Global markets would be able to use the best products and services from qualified parts of the world at a decreased cost. With more specialized products on the market; the consumer would have more options and choices at their disposal. In short term and long term will result in greater products for the consumer and it would be less expensive for the businesses. Another benefit of a global market would more competition. Competition is good. Since consumers have a wide range of products and services to choose from, then companies would compete to have the best product or service. In the short term consumers will not have to settle for what the local market is offering. In the long term companies will become more innovative in order to be the best. One of the negative impacts would be that it could become a financial and operational challenge local producers because they will have to come up with new ways to deliver products and services at decreased prices. In short term it is benefitting the consumer by paying less for a product or service. In long term local producers could be forced to shut down their business that would mean less employment for those local workers. Another negative impacts would be that the global market could result in low quality of products or service. When hiring foreign one cannot always count on the work or services. There is less monitoring of their work, which in turn can create poor quality products or service. In long term business could lose money because of the poor quality of products or service. â€Å"Think Globally, Act Locally†. This phrase could have many meanings but for me it seems very simple. When companies do business internationally, which can be good for the economy, the company still needs to think about having their roots in the local market. For instance, here in GA the grocery stores sell collard greens, pig feet and pickled everything. I’m originally from Chicago and these weren’t apart of my grocery shopping experience. A business may have several locations across the world but you need to appeal to the local market. I would have to say that the research I did has changed the way I would choose goods in the future. I didn’t really think too much about the global market before this assignment. I try to buy locally from the farms in GA. I think the produce that is grown down the street taste fresher. But when it comes to things that aren’t made locally I buy them from the grocery store. I would like to find more information on local grocery stores in my area and see how that part of the business works. I think sometime we forget that there is a huge process from the farm to the shelves. References Basu, Chirantan. Pros and Cons of Global Marketing. (n. d. ).

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