Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Effects of Alcohol Abuse on a Diagnostic Imaging Department Dissertation

The Effects of Alcohol Abuse on a Diagnostic Imaging Department - Dissertation Example 15 3.2 Data Analysis 16 3.3 Sampling 17 3.4 Ethical Considerations 17 3.4.1 Informed Consent 17 3.4.2 Ethical Application 17 3.5 Time Frame and Cost 18 3.5.1 Time Frame 18 3.5.2 Associated Costs 19 4.0 Possible Projected Outcomes 21 Reference List 22 1.0 Literature Review 1.1 Introduction In itself, alcohol use is not something that generally leads to heath problems or visits to the hospital. However, alcohol abuse is linked to many health problems, both immediate and cumulative. Alcohol abuse can take many forms from drinking significant amounts of alcohol on a regular basis, to drinking large quantities occasionally (binge drinking). Both forms of alcohol abuse have direct and indirect health consequences. Globally, alcohol is responsible for approximately 1.8 million deaths per year . From 2005 to 2006 in the United Kingdom, more than quarter of a million people were admitted to hospitals for diagnoses related to alcohol. This includes direct effects of alcohol, such as alcohol ov erdose, and indirect effects, such as injuries as the result of driving while intoxicated. The number of alcohol-related admissions has been growing since around 1997, and roughly doubled in the years between 1997 and 2006 . Alcohol consumption is also increasing as a result of values changing and alcohol becoming inexpensive and readily available. The consumption of alcohol has become socially acceptable in many circumstances, and is often encouraged . For example, among young adults and in University settings, there is a strong alcohol drinking culture. These factors make it likely that alcohol consumption will continue to increase, and place pressure on many parts of the healthcare industry. This includes hospital departments who often have to work with people being admitted who are... The essay discusses that in itself, alcohol use is not something that generally leads to heath problems or visits to the hospital. However, alcohol abuse is linked to many health problems, both immediate and cumulative. Alcohol abuse can take many forms from drinking significant amounts of alcohol on a regular basis, to drinking large quantities occasionally (binge drinking). Both forms of alcohol abuse have direct and indirect health consequences. Globally, alcohol is responsible for approximately 1.8 million deaths per year. From 2005 to 2006 in the United Kingdom, more than quarter of a million people were admitted to hospitals for diagnoses related to alcohol. This includes direct effects of alcohol, such as alcohol overdose, and indirect effects, such as injuries as the result of driving while intoxicated. The number of alcohol-related admissions has been growing since around 1997, and roughly doubled in the years between 1997 and 2006. Alcohol consumption is also increasing as a result of values changing and alcohol becoming inexpensive and readily available. The consumption of alcohol has become socially acceptable in many circumstances, and is often encouraged. For example, among young adults and in University settings, there is a strong alcohol drinking culture. These factors make it likely that alcohol consumption will continue to increase, and place pressure on many parts of the healthcare industry. This includes hospital departments who often have to work with people being admitted who are still intoxicated, and who must manage many alcohol-related injuries.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The indian Ocean History of Global Trading in Pearls and Silk and its Essay

The indian Ocean History of Global Trading in Pearls and Silk and its Impact on Cultures - Essay Example This realization becomes evident through the analysis of global interdependence between countries for commodities in trend during the early Roman kingdom of the first century c.e. It is very exiting to know that trade through the Indian Ocean was in full swing even in ancient times when there were no ships and other secure means of transportation of goods through the sea-channels. It was the monsoon system that made navigation easy from one part of the world to another through sea route. The Arab and Indian mariners had full knowledge of the flow of monsoon winds, helping the sailing of boats carrying goods for shipping in the Indian Ocean. Later, this knowledge got transferred to mariners from Ptolemaic Egypt. Winds in winter time blow from the northeast uninterruptedly and in summer they come from the southwest. This awareness of the monsoon cycle helped sailors to roam about everywhere across the Indian Ocean (The Formation of Classical Societies 159). Global trade was on the high at the finish of the first century B.C. among the five close rulers of that time: the Roman kingdom, the Parthian kingdom, the Kushan kingdom, the nomadic alliance of Xiongnu, and the Han Kingdom. Global trading routes were created from the Greco-Roman city of Antioch, passing through the Syrian Desert through Palmyra to Ctesiphon, the Parthian capital city, finally reaching Seleucia, situated on the Tigris River, as one can see from the map below (Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art par. 1). Eastern side of the old world reachable to travelers in the first centuryƃ‚  A.D. The most critical port situated on the Persian Gulf, becoming a medium of distribution of commodities, was the port of Spasinu Charax, as shown in the map above (on the left of the Parthian Empire). The whole of Parthian kingdom, starting from the Tigris to Ctesiphon to Euphrates to Dura-Europos, and also covering the connected cities of the Arabian and Syr ian Desert were supplied the goods shipped via the oceanic route. A number of land passages also got stationed at ports situated on the eastern Mediterranean, as from here the goods used to be supplied to adjacent cities (Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art par. 2). The Roman maritime trade routes with the East via Red Sea got dense, initiating commercial growth but from the culture point of view, trade in eastern commodities was seen in the kind of a fiscal crisis and moral risk. Financially, the trade with India was causing huge deficit to the Roman economy in the first century c.e. Commodities trade of the Roman Empire with India was seen more risky for creating ethical meaning of going against the philosophy of stoicism than treading on an economic danger zone. The cause behind this ethical consideration was that Romans considered fashion-related commodities such as silk and precious gem stones to be more objectionable to their philosophy of stoicism than pepper, as use of lu xury commodities indicated the human degeneration that Roman stoicism wanted to maintain distance with (Fitzpatrick 31). As the two commodities discussed include pears and silk, it would be pertinent to know how they were harvested and produced in the ancient times. There has been a history behind the finding of pearls and using them as an item of beauty enhancing jewelry. The Gulf of Mannar is understood to be one of the areas where pearls used to be harvested